NB: Errm, last week we didn't release a meme post. Do we have a reason? Nope. Are we sorry? Kinda😐. So if you accept our apology, keep scrolling. If not, pretend you never saw this, aaand keep SCROLLING...

It's a sad time for Millenials and a couple of Boomers😂. Windows 7 is getting kicked to the curb😪. A moment of silence for a GOAT. Let's drown our sorrow in deez nuts my bad, I meant memes
We compiled the best of the Dolly Parton Challenge. Keep scrolling...
We compiled the best of the Dolly Parton Challenge. Keep scrolling...
Why do the oddest things seem so appealing at such times...
Every Sunday afternoon...
This got me looking over my shoulder every minute
So I might not be ugly fo real
I just need a bigger mirror😁
"Je t'ai porté pendant 9 mois"
"Te llevé por 9 meses"
"Watashi wa 9 kagetsu-kan anata o hakonda"
Once again; "You f*cking donkey"
Bro deserves more..
University: "physical silence" but "mental uproar"
I'm lost for words
And they never seem to finish teaching too..
I don't play them games...
Hmm... So it isn't just me...
Thugs don't have all day
She or He has gotten raised enough
We all know what we've used Incognito Mode for...
Every single time😂😂
Dolly Parton posted this snap on Instagram during this week, with a caption "Get you a woman who can do it all";
and Social Media went crazy. Here are few celebs, people, animals, objects, food😋 who recreated the epic snap
Will Will Smith will always kill it...
😂She went all out for Tinder
Something ain't right here
He should have switched LinkedIn with IG
This banana doing way too much
Same for this Pencil🔞
"Stomach rumbles"
What did Facebook do to y'all
I know but that bad...lmao
Still need more memes, click here to check out more from last week. There will be more same time next week.
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