Our Memes of the Week #18

Procastination Meme
Happy New Month guys🎊. This year has not been taking it easy on anyone. Welcome to another week of how are we spending the next 15 minutes. Let's dive in...

Corona Meme

Online Classes Meme
His students are evil😅
Every now and then we need lecturers like this

Quarantine Meme
These unemployed kids need to get back to work

Argument Meme

Online Classes Meme
Mad factss!!

Schooling Meme
Don't we all

Lego Meme
Are you hearing what I'm hearing😊

Coronavirus, Online Classes Meme

Coding Meme

Having a Crush Meme
Ayee... It's the best we can do

Android Studio, Chrome Meme

Confessions Meme
Father be like "I've seen your kind before"

Brainpower Meme

Gaming Meme

Pandemic Meme
This is definitely not the year

Kim Jong Un Meme
Mandem said test some missiles😂

Quarantine Meme

Funny Meme

Online Classes Meme
"Assignment due Monday"

 Don't forget to stay indoors when you can. And take good care of yourselves!! More memes the same time next week. Even more from last week.

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